Hi Tom
According to Koala-net's Glossary of Australian Slang, "donger" is one (of
many) terms for the male appendage. However, it is more familiar to me
(please, no ribald jests!) as meaning a small, cramped room or other
less-than-substantial accommodation eg a student's dorm room. This,
however, may be a more restricted usage, as I've heard it used mainly by
people who've been in the Army.
"To dong" someone or something, however, is to hit them, especially with a
blunt instrument eg "She donged me with a rolling-pin". A "dong on the
head" might be from a falling plank, a low door-frame or an exasperated
birding mate's field guide after you've said "There, in that tree" for the
fifth time when you're both standing in rainforest.
Vicki PS
Vicki Parslow Stafford | "Oh, many a Cup of this
Ipswich, Qld, Australia | forbidden Wine must drown
Email | the memory of that
Ph/fax +61 7 3281 5010 | insolence!"
> From: Tom and Dixie <>
> To:
> Subject: DONGA
> Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 2:57 PM
> At the outset I must apologize for the non-birding question. However,
> being a non-native speaker I often have trouble understanding Australian
> context. The question is: " what is the meaning of the word DONGA?
> The Yank from Oregon <>