Dear birder
I am a Ph.D student and my major is bird behavior and ornithology,
expecially acoustic communication of birds in Republic of Korea.
Now, because Korea economy crisis, Almost all research funds were
protected. So, My researches is very difficult.
Therefore, Though I know that I fail to pay your compliments, I am
making a request assitance to bird lovers.
We intend to sell Korean bird song cassette tape(60min, 18species bird
song, 1996, Lab. of Ornithology, Dept. of Biology, Kyung-Hee University,
US$15) some Korean bird photo slides(about 100species, US$4/copy, If you
need to slide list, Please e-mail me.) for collecting researching funds.
bird song list below;
Side A Side B
01 = Bush Warbler 10 = Oriental Cuckoo
Cettia diphone (316) Cuculus saturatus (226)
02 = Crowned Willow Warbler 11 = Ruddy Kingfisher
Phylloscopus occipitalis (333) Halcyon coromanda (244)
03 = Yellow-throated Bunting 12 = Daurian Redstart
Emberiza elegans (365) Phoenicurus auroreus (298)
04 = Tricolor Flycatcher 13 = Great Reed Warbler
Ficedula zanthopyga (336) Acrocephalus arundinaceus (324)
05 = Japanese White-eye 14 = Indian Cuckoo
Zosterops japonicus (355) Cuculus micropterus (224)
06 = Grey-backed Thrush 15 = Black-naped Oriole
Turdus hortulorum (305) Oriolus chinensis (395)
07 = Jungle Nightjar 16 = Common Cuckoo
Caprimulgus indicus (238) Cuculus canorus (225)
08 = Little Cuckoo 17 = Winter Wren
Cuculus poliocephalus (227) Troglodytes troglodytes (289)
09 = Pale Thrush 18 = Siberian Blue Robin
Turdus pallidus (308) Luscinia cyane (295)
If you can help me, I will be very thanks for your assitance.
I will look forward to answering about your assistance.
Best regards,
Bo-Yeon Hwang
Lab. of Ornithology,
Dept. of Biology,
Kyung-Hee University,
Seoul, 130-701,
Republic of Korea