Hi birders,
Since my posting regarding the dreadful condition into which Tolderol Game
Reserve has been allowed to fall I have had some encouraging responses
including some which suggested the formation of an SAOA Tolderol Fund and an
appeal for financial assistance from concerned birders and others.
Birds Aust. have taken up the cause, publicising the problem in
Wingspan and appealing to members for donations, and that is a fantastic start.
Prof Hugh Possingham is taking the matter to the SA Parks and
Wildlife Council, hopefully for some action from that quarter.
We have also been trying to contact Wetlands Care Aust for assistance.
With DENR (or whatever their new name is ) it has so far proved
difficult to contact appropriate officers, but we are working on that.
We also now know that the Murray Darling Basin Authority has in the
past assisted with funds, so that angle is also being pursued for long term
maintenance commitment.
For those of you out there who are concerned for care of wetlands
and who would like to make a donation to the recovery of this previously
fantastic bird refuge please forward your assistance to "The SAOA Tolderol
Fund", SAOA,
C/- The Adelaide Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000. Or you may contact
me direct at the phone/fax/email addresses below.Your assistance will be
very much appreciated.
Sincerely. Tony Russell.
Tony Russell
Ph: 08 82078470W
08 83375959H
Fax:08 82078422
e mail: