In <>, on 01/07/98
at 09:30 AM, said:
> In the course of a family holiday at Santa Monica camp, between
> Inlet and Lorne on the coast of western Victoria, I walked about a
> kilometre up the valley of Grassy Creek from the camp at about 6:30
> on Saturday 3 January. While sitting on a boulder in the creek I
> heard an unfamiliar call from somewhere high on the north slope of
> creek valley. It was a four syllable honking or trumpeting call,
> first, second and final syllables all of similar pitch and duration,
> the third shorter and higher: "Hoh-hoh-heh-hoh". It sounded a
> call, and was different in quality from the Pied Currawongs which
> also calling; the notes were clear and the pitch did not "slide" as
> currawong calls do. The call was given twice in relatively quick
> succession, maybe five or ten seconds apart, then again, once, about
> twenty minutes later. I couldn't see anything of any size moving in
> the forest on the slope at the times of the calls, or in between.
> bush in the valley is fairly dense, tall eucalypt forest, verging on
> rainforest in the bottom of the valley. Can anyone offer any
> suggestions (other than that I should carry a tape recorder)?
> Thanks very much.
> Jack Krohn
> Ph (BH) 03 9881 8897, (AH) 03 9886 4473
Could it be Crimson Rosella or King Parrot?
Stephen Clark
Agriculture Victoria
Pastoral & Veterinary Institute
Private Bag 105 HAMILTON 3300 Australia
Phone 0355 730 977
Fax 0355 711 523