Anyone else come across Rebecca Bell's Ozbird site as advertised in today's
Weekend Australian?
Seems to me to be basically an aviculturalist's heaven with little to do
with the real avian world of wild birds. She does have a small page about
some birds that fly thousands of kilometres to enjoy the Australian
sun???????? Not my words, but her's. The accompanying black-and-white map
is virtually unreadable.
There are a couple of reasonable photos, mostly using old names for species
and the male Australian King-Parrot remains unnamed. The only link that I
could follow was to the Canadian-based WETNET. The few text links to
genuine bird-related information (wetlands, conservation) are all
straight-laced and about as exciting as a armadillo's armpit on a Sunday
And you realyl should check out the chat forum, WINGSPAN MESSAGE BOARD - I
gave up after the umpteenth message congratulating Rebecca and her team for
having re-established the site (I believe she originally ran it from the
States or Canada). Not a blessed word aabout birds - wild or otherwise.
The other forums were unavailable!
I defy anyone to find any REAL information about Australian birds on the
entire site!
All in all, the Australian's description (taken from Rebecca?) is a bit of a
misnomer with regard to our hobby. I'd give it less than 3 out of 10.