This is the end of Day 7 for the nesting Grey-fronted Honeyeaters. I will
be away for 2 weeks, so hopefully they will have hatched by the time I
return. Some notes from the last 3 days since part 2.
Day 5
I only saw the Grey-fronted Honeyeaters 5 times during the day. One bird
brought more lining material to the nest twice just before 7am and it made
some adjustments to the nest structure. Otherwise there was almost no
activity all day.
Day 6
I only saw one Grey-fronted Honeyeater at 6:15am. There were no other
sightings for the whole day. I checked the nest for eggs but it was empty.
An adult Brown Honeyeater came close to the nest but did not actually visit
Day 7
There was one egg when I got to work at 6am. It is a pinky brown colour
(like a brownish chook egg). There was a bird at the nest which chased
away a Brown Honeyeater. It then started regularly sitting on the nest
from soon after 7:15am until about 10:30am. It sat on the nest for 3 to 8
minutes at a time. It was away from the nest for up to 10 minutes. It was
always alert twisting its head to look around. It appears to only be one
bird that sits on the nest. I saw a second bird only twice.
After 10:30am the bird came near the nest on a number of occasions. It
would call or sit on a branch from 20cm to 1m away. The first few times it
sat on the nest for a few times. I did not see a Grey-fronted Honeyeater
after 1pm. There was still only one egg at the end of the day.
Note that day time temperatures are currently 28 minimum to 42 maximum.