Hi all,
We thought you might like to what's happening in North Queensland.
Birds Australia North Queensland Group in conjunction with Cairns Urban
Group held a field trip on October 19th to publicise the return of
the waders to the Cairns foreshore Esplanade. Two members of QWSG flew up
from Brisbane to help out with display material and talks. Over 70 people
turned out including members of BOCA and many more people walking along the
Esplanade stopped of to listen or view the display. The main thrust of the
morning was to publicise the importance of the Cairns mudflats and the role
they play in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. The tide was perfect and
the birds obliging. Good numbers (for Cairns) of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers,
Curlew Sandpipers, Black and Bar-tailed Godwits, Red-necked Stints were
present as well as many more waders, which are listed below. Numbers in
brackets are from a count conducted the day before. The highlight of the
morning was the appearance of an Asian Dowitcher almost at high tide, it
hung around long enough for most people to see it before flying of with a
group of Bar-tailed Godwits.
Species List
Australian Pelican
Great Egret
Intermediate Egret
Australian White Ibis
Royal Spoonbill
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Black-tailed Godwit (46)
Bar-tailed Godwit (183)
Whimbrel (16)
Eastern Curlew (65)
Common Greenshank (18)
Terek Sandpiper (5)
Grey-tailed Tattler (16)
Asian Dowitcher
Great Knot (36)
Red-necked Stint (478)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (476)
Curlew Sandpiper (66)
Pied Oystercatcher (1)
Pacific Golden Plover (4)
Red-capped Plover (11)
Lesser Sand Plover (6)
Black-fronted Dotterel (1)
Masked Lapwing (25)
Silver Gull
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Little Tern
Rock Dove
Peaceful Dove
Pied Imperial-Pigeon - nesting
Rainbow Lorikeet
White-rumped Swiftlet
Helmeted Friarbird
Varied Honeyeater ? feeding young in nest
Willie Wagtail
White-breasted Woodswallow
House Sparrow
Welcome Swallow
Common Myna
Number of Species 42
Keith & Lindsay Fisher
PO Box 2209, Cairns QLD 4870