Started out a nice day but a southerly change came through with rain and
strong winds roughing up the sea. Went south and only out about 20
N/miles on the shelf before turning and getting (surfing) back about 3
pm. Water temp 16.8 - 17.0 C
Plenty of Humpbacks spouting, breaching and fin slapping and one (or
maybe 2) fur seals porporsing behind the boat.
Bird List with estimated numbers.
Silver Gull 100
Kelp Gull 10
Wedge-tailed Shearwater 200
Crested tern 20
Australian Gannet 5
Short-tailed Shearwater 500 - small flocks going south
Fluttering Shearwater 20
Hutton's Shearwater 2
Yellow-nosed Albatross 1
Black-browed Albatross 25 - both races/species
Sooty Shearwater 5
Shy Albatross 70 - cauta and 1 salvini
Great-winged Petrel 30 - one white faced race
Wandering Albatross 5 - gibsoni and 1 exulans
Cape Petrel 2
Solander's petrel 10
Northern Giant Petrel 1
White-headed Petrel 1
Black-bellied Storm petrel 1
Fairy Penguin 1
Arctic Jaeger 1