Hi Bird-Aussers
Thought you might like to know the Birds Australia North Queensland Groups
itinery for the next few months. If you are up this way you are more than
welcome to join in our activities
October 19th : Sunday. 8.30 am at Cairns Esplanade by ANZAC memorial. A
joint event with Cairns Urban Landcare Group to learn about the waders and
the importance of Trinity Inlet.
November 2nd: Cairns-Machans Beach, Sunday 7.30am Redden Island survey.
Meet on Cinderella St., Machan Beach, gate by toilet block.
5th: Weds. Birdcount for Atherton Landcare ? Priors Creek.
8th: Sat. Census of Tableland Sarus Cranes and Brolga at roosts. Late
afternoon/early evening possibly followed by BBQ.
23rd: Sun. Public birdwalk for Atherton Landcare ? Priors Creek. Meet
8.30am near roundabout on Tolga Road.
29th-30th: Weekend camping at Broadwater State Forest Park, near Ingham.
Special area and large tarp supplied! Top birding spot.
December 7th: Cairns - Machans Beach, Sunday 7.30am Redden Island survey.
Meet on Cinderella St. machans Beach, gate by toilet block.
Contact Keith or Lindsay
Keith & Lindsay Fisher
PO Box 2209, Cairns QLD 4870