Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo's seem to be widespread in occurrence
throughout Sydney and reported in most suburban area's, even at times
close to the city (this tends to be more so in Winter) and may
depend on food supply availablility.
I see flocks of YTBC every now and then in my area in Seven Hills (The
highest number so far being about 30 birds staying for about 2 months in
the park opposite my place and in nerby areas feeding on gum nuts). One
hot summer afternoon in 1994, I saw a flock of 6 Glossy Black Cockatoo's
flying in a nearby street at tree top level and calling. They were
probably just travelling between food supply area's.
Edwin Vella
> From: Harriette Phelps <>
> To:
> Subject: black cockatoos in Sydney
> Date: Monday, 1 September 1997 13:14
> Saw a great collection of black cockatoos, maybe 50, flocking in
> park on Sunday. Is this common? Why?
> ***************************************
> Harriette Phelps
> Department of Anatomy and Histology F13
> University of Sydney
> NSW 2006
> Australia
> Ph. 61-2-9351-2841
> Fax 61-2-9351-2813
> e-mail
> ***************************************