To all Birding Aus Birders
Visited the Richmond Turf Farms again Yesterday with good numbers of
Quail and Raptors present.This now being an excellent birding spot in the
Sydney region, at this moment and at this time of the year.
On the Cornwallis Rd section closest to Windsor in the long dry grass on
both sides of the road, many Brown Quail can be seen running accross the
road and flushed in the long grass with Little Button-quail. Due to the
large number of Quail, and probably rodents aswell), over 10
Black-shouldered Kites were seen hunting over this area, aswell as an
Adult and Immature Spotted Harrier (great views through the video
camera), Marsh Harrier's, Brown, Peregrine and Little Falcon's,
Australian Kestrel's, Brown Goshawk's and Whisting Kites among possibly
other species. On the Turf area's, 15 Banded Lapwings were also seen.
Five species of Quail and Button-quail are now present in the Hawkebury.
Red-chested button-quail (though possibly not as yet seen) have been
seen around the area in the past.
In nerby Scheyville National Park, many more Spring migrant's with
several Rufous Whistler's, White-throated Warbler's and Horsfielsd's
Bronze-cuckoo singing away with the local resident's.
And finally at nearby Mcgrath's Hill Sewrage Treatment Plant, a
Double-banded Plover is still present along with the regular Latham's
Snipe and Australian Reed Warblers.
Bye for now.
Edwin Vella