To Birding Aus Birders
Managed to track down the Swift Parrot's in the park opposite my place in
Seven Hills before dusk on Friday afternoon (15/8/97). Two birds were
seen flying around the park, swiftly and fast as usual and droping into
the Ironbarks to roost overnight.The birds however disapeared the next
day. Both the regular Rainbow Lorikeets and Noisy Miner's however, still
have lerps to feed on.
On Sunday (17/8/97), took an English guy from overseas for a quick tour
of the Hawkesbury area (about 50km west of Sydney) and saw about 100 plus
birds (35 lifers for the overseas birder) which isnt bad for this time of
the year, the very windy conditions and for a few bird habitats looked
at. We saw probably the first Rufous Whistler and Latham's Snipe's (10
birds) for the season for the Sydney region. Being fairly windy there
were a few raptor's about including Peregrine Falcon's, Hobby's and Brown
Goshawks. A pair of Fuscous Honeyeater's was also observed nest building
at Scheyville N.P.
Both Pallid Cuckoo's and White-throated Warbler's aswell as some more
waders should be back soon in Sydney before the official start of Spring.
Edwin Vella
P.S. Has anybody had any other Spring return's!