Hi all
I recently stumbled across a rather nice webcam - on a bird feeder.
There was one around a year or so back, but it was in low resolution B&W
and rarely updated.
Now we have WILD BIRDS UNLIMITED FeederCam at http://www.wbu.com/
That's the homepage - you'll find the feeder page from there.
It's high resolution colour, updated every three minutes. What makes it
rather nice is that the date & time are printed on the bottom of the frame
- very handy for when something unusual turns up at the feeder. They have
a "Life List" for the feeder as well as other interesting stuff. Some
educational resources as well.
I was lucky enough to see a young Downy Woodpecker and some sort of
rosefinch. [NO! Of course I'm not adding them to my list, Lawrie!]
I'll add a link from the birding-aus web page in the near future.
Is anyone interested in putting up a camera somewhere on this continent.
A wetland one makes more sense than a feeder, as we don't really do that
sort of stuff, do we? There has been some interest from folk in distant
lands who would like to peek in on Aussie birds.
How about a BIRDS AUSTRALIA webcam???????
Russell Woodford