>From the data you provide I feel quite sure that WW's migration is indeed
ATTITUDINAL. Like many other Australian residents, particularly Victorians,
their attitude seems to be that Townsville is a terrific place to be in the
winter but not so good in the summer. It's an attitude with which I have
some sympathy.
(Just kidding. My levity obviously is trying to disguise my complete
ignorance about the substantive and interesting question you are asking. I
look forward to some of the more serious responses.)
Richard Nowotny
>Hello Fellow Birders,
> Is there anything in the literature regarding migration
> of
>Willie Wagtails? or has anyone documented their migration? Is it seasonal,
>or in search of a food source? How far do they travel? I live in suburban
>During the summer months there are no Willie Wagtails in our area. In the
first week of
>April at least one bird, but more often two, arrive and stay in the area
until early
>August, but sometimes as late as September. Their departure is not as
regular as their
>arrival. I have become very interested in this and would like to follow it up.
> Thanks, Nicci Thompson