Bird notes from
Cuc Phuong National Park - Vietnam
April 1997
This report details the findings of a six day visit in Early April to Cuc
Phuong National Park situated south of Hanoi, Vietnam from 29th March 1997 to
3rd April 1997
The upper section of the park consists of a substation known locally as the
Bong Substation. Habitat consists of primary rainforest, some secondary growth
and grasslands. Basic accommodation, meal arrangements and permission to
enter the park can be organised from the head quarters located at the park
Birding during our stay was confined to the rainforest trails and areas around
the Bong Substation. There are several key trails to work namely the valley
(Adventurous) trail, the Ridge trail, and series of concrete walking trails
set out to form a grid pattern (The Grids) through a small area of forest.
Roadsides also proved productive.
Access to the park can be arranged using public transport, however delays can
be expected waiting to get a lift to higher elevations if access is via this
means. I hired a driver and taxi from Hanoi (US$30.00 one way) and then
arranged a lift with locals from the headquarters to the Bong Substation a
distance of about 20kms.
A map and additional information on this area is available as part of a
report produced by Nick Diamond.
Tom Francis, Richard Fairbank, Doug Page, Tony Palliser, Nick
Preston, Alan Wheeldon and Norman Williams
Malayan Night Heron..........Single sightings valley & ridge trail
Crested Goshawk..............Several sightings from Substation
Black Eagle..................One or two soaring above Substation
Grey-faced Buzzard...........A few birds soaring daily above Substation
Oriental Honey Buzzard.......One sighting from Substation
Crested Serpent Eagle........Up to 7 birds seen daily
Pied Falconet................Regularly perched high on dead branches
Silver Pheasant..............Seen regularly on trails & roadsides
Red Jungle Fowl..............Regularly heard seen only once
Pin-tailed Snipe.............One landed on the Bong camping ground
Thick-billed Pigeon..........Eight birds at the start of valley trail
Spotted Turtledove...........Common in gardens around the main HQ
Large Hawk Cuckoo............One observed along roadside near main HQ
Indian Cuckoo................Heard most days
Drongo Cuckoo................Seen daily along roadsides near Substation
Lesser Coucal................Scrubland near Student Accommodation
Green-billed Malkoha.........One bird near Substation and HQ
Oriental Scops...............Heard each night
Asian Palm Swift.............2 near HQ
Red-headed Trogon............Seen regularly around the grids
White-breasted Kingfisher ...One sighting only
Dollarbird...................In clearing
Brown Hornbill...............Parties seen valley and ridge trails
Green-eared Barbet...........3 seen, heard daily near Student Accom
Red-vented Barbet............3-4 sightings mainly roadsides
Bar-bellied Pitta............1-2 seen, Heard up to 5 pairs daily
Blue-rumped Pitta............Two very brief sightings grids&valley trail
Eared Pitta..................Heard roadside below Student Accomodation
Grey-capped Woodpecker.......Common in gardens close to the main HQ
Bay Woodpecker...............One sighting ridge trail
Lesser Yellownape............Roadsides several sightings
Greater Yellownape...........Roadsides
Greater Flameback............Seen regularly close to the grids
Silver-breasted Broadbill....Mainly roadsides and valley trail
Long-tailed Broadbill........Seen daily roadsides and main trails
White-vented Needletail......Seen daily open areas
Barn Swallow.................Seen daily open areas
Red-rumped Swallow...........One sighting near Substation
Olive-backed Pipit...........Gardens & open trails Substation and HQ
Grey Wagtail.................Camping area Bong Substation
Yellow Wagtail...............Camping area Bong Substation
Large Cuckoo Shrike..........One sighting near Substation
Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike...2 roadsides
Large Woodshrike.............Seen daily mainly roadsides
Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike.Common in gardens Bong and HQ
Scarlet Minivet..............Seen daily mainly roadsides
Common Iora..................A few birds open areas near Substation
Great Iora...................Near Substation
Blue-winged Leafbird.........Seen regularly mostly roadsides
Orange-bellied Leafbird......One sighting near Student Accommodation
Red-whiskered Bulbul.........Common all open areas
Black-crested Bulbul.........Common all open areas
Sooty-headed Bulbul..........2 pairs open areas
Puff-throated Bulbul.........Common seen daily
Stripe-throated Bulbul.......Scrub near student accommodation
Black Bulbul.................Scrub near student accommodation
Chinese Bulbul...............25+ both races open area valley trail
Ashy Drongo..................Seen daily mainly roadsides
Greater Racket-tail Drongo...Common, seen regularly exposed branches
Lesser Racket-tail Drongo... 2 roadside
Maroon Oriole................Pair seen along road, & Ridge trail
Asian Fairy-Bluebird.........Several birds near Substation
Green Magpie.................A few sightings near Substation
White-winged Magpie..........Almost daily - Mainly ridge trail & roads
Rachet-tailed Treepie........Almost daily - Mainly ridge trail & roads
Sultan Tit...................Small parties roadsides and grids
Grey-throated Babbler........Several sightings ridge trail
Scaly-crowned Babbler........Common particularly around the grids
Puff-throated Babbler........Several sightings particularly ridge trail
Limestone Wren Babbler.......One - ridge trail beyond large emergent tree
Eye-browed Wren Babbler......Several sightings along ridge trail
Streaked Wren Babbler........2 off ridge trail
Hainan Blue-Flycatcher.......Common forest interior all areas
Striped tit Babbler..........A few sightings near Substation
White-crested Laughing Thr...Several birds near main HQ
Hwamei Laughing Thrush.......One sighting near Substation
Rufous throated Fulvetta.....Common forest interior all trails
Mountain Fulvetta............Common forest edges all trails and grids
White-bellied Yuhina.........Common mainly forest edge
Black-chinned Yuhina.........One sighting near Substation
Yellow-bellied Warbler.......One sighting near Substation
Arctic Warbler...............Common roadsides and gardens
Dusky Warbler................Roadsides and gardens
Two-barred Greenish Warbler..Roadsides and gardens
Eastern crowned Leaf Warbler.Roadsides and gardens
Manchurian Bush Warbler......One sighting valley trail scrub
Common Tailorbird............Secondary growth near HQ
Dark-necked Tailorbird.......Scrub areas near Substation
Rufescent Prinia.............Gardens and scrub HQ and Bong
Oriental Magpie Robin........Common Scrub areas near Substation
White-rumped Shama...........Common Mainly forest edge
Slaty-backed Forktail........One sighting Ridge trail
Stonechat....................Open areas near Substation
Mugimaki Flycatcher..........One Roadside near Student Accommodation
Large Niltava................Trails near Substation
Fukien Niltava...............2 on ridge trail
Verditer Flycatcher..........One sighting near Student Accommodation
White-tailed Flycatcher......Sightings almost daily mainly ridge trail
Grey-headed Flycatcher.......Mainly valley trail
Black-naped Monarch..........Gardens and scrub start of valley trail
Asian Paradise Flycatcher....Common all trails and grids
Burmese Shrike...............Scrub near student accommodation
Grey-backed Shrike...........One pair around visitor chalets, Bong
Chestnut-tailed Starling.....Near Bong Substation
Hill Myna....................Seen daily
Fork-tailed Sunbird..........Main HQ and Ridge trail
Olive-backed Sunbird.........Scrub at the start of the valley trail
Streaked Spiderhunter........Seen daily near Substation
Little Spiderhunter..........1 roadside
Plain Flowerpecker...........2 Bong Substation
Oriental White-eye...........One sighting near Substation
Chestnut Bunting.............Trees around Bong camp ground
Crested Bunting..............Grasslands start of the valley trail
Tony Palliser (.....Sydney, Australia)
Phone.....+61 2 9900 1678 or Home +61 2 9427 7563
Fax.......+61 2 9900 1669