Eric J Woehler wrote:
> I think spot lighting should be discouraged, as we dont know what effect it
> has on the birds, but I would rather be conservative and assume a
> risk/damage to the birds than not.
> Remember, the welfare of the birds is (and must remain to be) our
> over-riding concern, adding a tick to a list must come a very poor second
I feel that this comment cannot go unanswered!(I'm sure I won't be the
only person to respond)Firstly,many people,both professionals & amateurs
go spotlighting for purposes other than ticking & twitching.In the
process they add much valuable knowledge to the little that is known
about what is out there,and also behave very responsibly.These people
naturally have the welfare of the birds,mammals etc utmost in their
minds,I hope so anyway.Secondly most people who have done any long-term
spotlighting use red filters on their lights or low wattage globes, in
order to observe the animal behaving naturally & therefore minimise any
potential damage(which as far as I know has never been documented-I may
be wrong,if so please enlighten us)
Most people are surely well aware that the welfare of the birds(& other
critters)are paramount.Maybe if we get to the stage where we can't see
the trees for the twitchers,as in Britain & the US,then we can say that
spotlighting is evil,otherwise frankly I don't see the problem.I'm not
selling my spot just yet!
Susan Myers