I couldn't resist the change of header, sorry ...
I hope that the RAOU and Wader Study Group publicise this amazing feat as
much as possible - especially as we're hanging on the decision of the
Federal Government about the future of a very important strip of coastline
in Victoria - Point Lillias. This story should be given some prominence
in the press, and not tucked away next to gardening on page 32.
It is a highly significant recapture (a world record) and it would serve
as a timely reminder to the public that lakes, waterways, mudflats,
beaches etc are vital for more than the humans who use them for fishing,
driving, swimming, boating, sightseeing etc - and yes, for more than a
toxic chemical dump.
The Point Lillias decision (well, really it's a RAMSAR decision - can we
chop off a bit of a RAMSAR-listed wetland if we find another use for it?)
was supposed to be announced by Cabinet yesterday. Perhaps it will be
known by the time you read this message.
If you want to know more about the proposal and a few very good reasons
for it NOT to go ahead, point your browser at:
There are some new links, and I've lobbied a few more 'webmasters' to link
to this site - including a couple of Senators who may have been able to
speak against the proposal.
Meanwhile, lets be thankful for one well-travelled tern, and hope that its
record will often be broken, whether we know about it or not.
Russell Woodford