I am forwarding the gentleman's reply for your perusal.. TQ.
>Dear Trevor and Annie,
>Thank you for your reply. It will be posted at our meetings.
>>I disagree with any attempt to export our wildlife. Where will they be kept?
>>In a small cage in Bangkok? I have forwarded your unsigned note to the
>>birding-aus bulletin board where you may receive some help.
>Just as a matter of interest, no specific countries have been targeted. One
>thing many of us are very concerned about is the continuing loss of habitat
>and the continued predation by feral animals. Australia is losing its
>native vegetation at the rate of 6% every 20 years despite very draconian
>laws and regulations. If we don't find ways to encourage people to
>conserve native habitat, before long we will have very few species left in
>the wild. Like you, I love to see animals in the wild, but I also recognise
>that many of our great naturalists and conservationists became what they are
>by first keeping animals as pets or for interest. I am a great believer of
>fostering that spirit throughout the world. I do understand, that
>unfortunately some animals will be kept in unsatisfactory ways as a result.
>It is up to us all to try and minimise that by the least intrusive and
>economical way possible.
>The idea of exporting Adelaide Rosella's is not a foregone conclusion. I
>believe it will take quite a bit of effort. Such ideas are easily derailed
>by some individuals and organisations that have no interest in conserving
>wild populations or habitat, but have extremely myopic views about animal
>liberation without looking at the big picture.
>I hope this helps, and I hope you will help us with information and
>statistics no matter which way the coin falls.
>Thanks again for your help.
>Peter Mirtschin
>Venom Supplies Pty Ltd.
>PO Box 547
>South Australia 5352
>Phone 61 85 63 0001
>Home phone 61 85 63 0065
>Fax 61 85 63 0020
>Mobile 018 811859
> 017 160112
>Home page http://dove.net.au/~venomsup
Trevor Quested & Annie Young
Sydney Australia
Phone. +61 2 9955 6266
Fax. +61 2 9959 4005