Notice to all birding-aus ornithocartophiles:
Les Underhill of the Avian Demography Unit of the University of Capetown has
asked me to forward the following mssage about the forthcoming Atlas of
Southern African Birds. The Web site is worth a visit to get more of an
idea about what it will be like. The price (outside South Africa) will be
88 pounds sterling or equivalent, including postage, which puts it under
A$30 per kilo, compared with about A$125 per kilo for HANZAB 3. Take
advantage of the weak Rand. Cheers, Hugo.
>From: "Les Underhill" <>
>The pre-publication offer on The Atlas of Southern African Birds has
>just started.
>The atlas covers Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
>and Zimbabwe (the same area as Europe minus Russia, Scandinavia,
>Britain and Ireland). About 940 species are included. The atlas
>database contains over seven million records of bird distribution,
>making it probably the largest biodiversity project ever on the
>continent of Africa. The publication runs to 1600 A4 pages (most
>species get a two page treatment) in two volumes, and will weigh
>6.5kg! Publication is expected in March 1997.
>The publisher is BirdLife South Africa, the partner in South Africa
>for BirdLife International. BirdLife South Africa was formerly the
>Southern African Ornithological Society. Being an NGO with small
>resources, BirdLife South Africa will not be printing 1000s of extra
>copies for later sale, so the prepublication offer is all-important.
>If BirdLife South Africa makes a profit on this project, it will be
>ploughed back into bird conservation and research.
>About 70 species of waders (Charadrii) are covered --- from
>cosmopolitan species such as the Knot {Calidris canutus} to the
>endemic African Black Oystercatcher {Haematopus moquini}.
>If you would like me to receive a flier, send an email to
>There is quite a bit of information on our web page
>including a sample of the text and maps (if you click on them, you
>get larger versions --- unfortunately the shades of red don't get
>represented too faithfully!), and there is also an order form that
>can be emailed back to us.
>Les Underhill
Hugo Phillipps,
RAOU Conservation & Liaison,
Australian Bird Research Centre,
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, Australia.
Tel: +61 3 9882 2622. Fax: +61 3 9882 2677.
Email: <>
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