On the weekend, a few ozbirders (Stuart, Susan & I) were mooching around
the east side of the Brisbane Ranges, north of Geelong in Victoria,
checking to see if White-throated Nightjars had arrived yet. In between
being hailed on, and frostbitten by the savage wind, we saw a Sacred
Kingfisher and a couple of Satin Flycatchers in the Stony Creek gorge.
These are the first of these species we've seen locally this spring. Also
seen was an Olive-backed Oriole, but they've been here for at least a
month already; and ditto for Rufous Whistler, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo,
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, etc.
We didn't manage to see or hear any trace of White-throated Nightjars - in
1995 they had already been in their breeding territories for a couple of
weeks at this time in October. The generally obliging Spotted
Quail-thrushes kept their heads down too, and we didn't even hear them.
For the phytologically inclined, the Brisbane Ranges National Park is
famed for its spring wildflower displays, and with all the rain this year,
it is _very_ spectacular. At the moment the beautiful endemic Brisbane
Range Grevillea (Grevillea steiglitziana) is approaching peak flowering,
and the Golden Grevillea (G. chrysophaea) is nearing the end; numerous
Fabaceae are in full bloom (Pultanaea spp., Aotus ericoides, Daviesia
leptophylla, Dillwynia spp.) and notably large spectacular flowering
carpets of a prostrate Bossiaea (Bossiaea prostrata??); wattles such as
Prickly Moses (Acacia verticillata), Kangaroo Thorn (A. paradoxa), Rough
Wattle (A. aspera), etc.; numerous Asteraceae (Pycnosorus sp., Helichrysum
scorpioides, Leucochrysum sp., Senecio spp., Brachyscome sp.); Creamy
Candles (Stackhousia monogyna), Mat-lilies (Lomandra spp.), Bluebells
(Wahlenbergia spp.), Twining Fringe-lily (Thysanotus patersonii),
Black-anther Flax-lily (Dianella revoluta), Heath Tea-tree (Leptospermum
myrsinoides), Pink Bells (Tetratheca ciliata), Guinea-flowers (Hibbertia
spp.), Love Creeper (Comesperma volubile), Common Heath (Epacris
impressa), Red Ironbark (Eucalyptus tricarpa), Yellow Gum (E. leucoxylon);
orchids such as the Waxlip Orchid (Glossodia major) and Pink Fingers
(Caladenia latifolia) are about to be overtaken by Sun-orchids (Thelymitra
rubra, T. pauciflora, T. antennifera) and Spider-orchids (Caladenia
dilatata, C. patersonii, etc.). Well worth a visit for the flowers alone.
Lawrie Conole
Geelong, Victoria, Australia