A female Red-necked Phalarope was again seen at Rottnest Island. She was
seen by Margaret Pfiefke and Philip Straw from Sydney about a week ago.
This is about the sixth year in a row that they have been seen at Rottnest
with three seen last summer from October to at least February.
Also, a Little Curlew was reported at Woodman Point on the coast near
Rockingham just south of Perth. It was seen by Simon Neville of Falcon Tours.
A Pied Imperial Pigeon (resident WA race? - no barring seen on belly) has
been in Broome for about a month feeding on the red berries of the
Carpentaria Palms in a garden.
On a trip to the Derby sewage ponds on 18th October with George Swann we saw :
Australian Spotted Crake - 6
Barn Swallow - 6
Yellow Wagtail - 1 (good colour)
Little Curlew - 6 plus about 25 in town
Oriental Plover - 1
Oriental Pratincole - 2
Long-toed Stint - about 10
Frank O'Connor Argyle Diamonds
8C Hardy Road PMB 11
Nedlands WA 6009 West Perth WA 6872
Phone +61 9 386 5694 +61 91 671 445
Fax +61 91 671 438