
Pelagic Rose Bay Sydney

To: <>
Subject: Pelagic Rose Bay Sydney
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 18:20:10 
Hi everyone

On Saturday 20 February I joined the pelagic trip out of Rose Bay, Sydney.  
I'll leave it to someone else to report the full list of birds seen.

I thought I'd put a note about some of the birds:  we had a good opportunity 
to see and compare the Arctic Jaeger, Pomarine Jaeger and Long-tailed Jaeger.  
A number of these birds turned up, including in different plumages with 
different tail shapes, stripes and bars etc. and with some of the birds adults 
or sub-adults and some obviously in immature stages.

With the shearwaters, we also had Wedge-tailed, Short-tailed and Flesh-footed 
Shearwaters, so again a good chance to compare all three in terms of shape of 
wings, colour of feet and bills etc.  And the Streaked Shearwater was pretty 
good too!

Two other things that were good:

(1)     I had eggs and toast for breakfast, took half a travel sickness 
tablet at 6.00 am and the other half at midday.  Not that I've been on many 
pelagics, but this time I wasn't sick.  That was good!

(2)     I met fellow internetters - this time Rosemary Bell from Canberra 
and Alan McBride.  Hi Rosemary - one day we'll see you post an email.

Cheers and Happy Birding
Irene Denton
Sydney   NSW   Australia

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