Another great trip with some fine birds. The bird of the trip and not
seen now for several years from Sydney being the Black-bellied Storm
Petrel which was a delightfully confiding individual with lots of
opportunity for some fine photographs.
Departed at 7.00 am and returned at 4.30 pm.
1-2 Metre swell, 10-20 knot winds, from the East NE
Conditions fine with some cloud cover.
We reached 35 NM east of North Head.
With only 7 on board we ran this trip at a loss, however through the
generosity of the owner Haley Epstein we went ahead as planned. This
was to ensure that we get these trips off to a great future.
Those on board:
Tony Palliser, Alex Watson, Geoff Peters, John Rogers, Mike Ronan,
John McLennon & Chris Brandis.
Wandering Albatross 2
Black-browed Albatross 1 Juvenile
Great-winged Petrel 80-100+
Providence Petrel 2
Cook's Petrel 1 (Possible only)
White-chinned Petrel 1 (Possible only)
White-faced Storm-Petrel 3
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 1
Black-bellied Storm Petrel 1
Wedge-tailed Shearwater 100-200
Fluttering Shearwater 2
Flesh-footed Shearwater 10-20+
Short-tailed Shearwater 100+
Sooty Shearwater 3-4
Buller's Shearwater 1
Silver Gull 50+
Pomarine Skua 10-20
Long-tailed Skua 3
Arctic Skua 10-15
Sooty Tern 3
Crested Tern 10-20
Common Tern 5-10
Pelagics depart on the 4th (and not the last) Sunday of the month
from Wollongong or on the 2nd Saturday of every 2nd month from Sydney.
If you would like to join the action or require further information
please contact Phil Hansbro or Tony Palliser on one the numbers listed
Tony Palliser Ph; 02-99001678 (w), 02-4277563 (h)
Phil Hansbro, Ph; 06-249 3091 (w), 06-249 8234 (h)