These last few posts have quite depressed me. Logging is an emotive issue
with both sides being ill-informed as to the other sides position. This
is only part of the issue, but what percentage of trees logged in this
country are turned into paper? With the vast amount of newspaper used
every day in this country I would think it is a lot. The amount of trees
cut for paper could be eliminated if the federal government legalized the
use of cannabis for the manufacture of paper. The stems of the plant are
used for paper production and contain no THC (the active mind-bending
substance in the plant). To maximize this part of the plant (as opposed to
leaves which do contain THC) they are planted close together. I can't give a
reference, but 6x the biomass per unit area of a mature forest can be grown
in a single year. And in subsequent years. Loggers who lose their jobs could
be retrained to grow hemp. Everyone else is being retrained these days, why
not them?
But above all, education is the key. If enough people (especially loggers
and their families) are educated about the necessity of species and habitat
preservation, the government will have no choice but to listen to the majority
instead of a minority.
If all else fails, I would advocate tree-spiking as a last resort.