
Re: feral (??) corellas

Subject: Re: feral (??) corellas
From: Bill Venables <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 15:54:50 +0930
>>>>> "LC" == LCONOLE  <> writes:

LC> ... Long-billed Corellas have become much more numerous and
LC> widespread in Victoria, and they hardly rate a mention now,
LC> where once they were a curiosity!  With that background in
LC> Victoria, it seems likely that the expansion might push out
LC> into parts of NSW and the ACT.

Just a footnote.  When flocks of corellas appear in Adelaide
nowdays, as they do fairly frequently, long-billed correllas are
usually at least a sizeable minority.  This is a fairly recent
development, maybe five years or so.

As to the ferals vs poineering colonialists query - just a datum.
Around my home in the Adelaide foothills there is a persistent
flock of at least 200 zebra finches that I have seen now, off and
on, since 1972, and they were clearly well established then.

They can't be other than escapees originally, I suppose, but are
they ferals now?


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  • Re: feral (??) corellas, Bill Venables <=

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