On Thu, 8 Jun 1995, Andrew Fisher wrote:
> Dear all,
> I spent an hour yesterday observing the foraging activites of
> White-winged Choughs and Pied Currawongs using a borrowed spotting
> scope. I am amazed at just how powerful this scope is and am
> thinking of purchasing one for myself/CSU. Does anyone have any
> recommendations on the best models or could point me
> in the right direction? (The setup I've borrowed is a Tasco World
> Class 9002T set on a "Man Friday" stand with joystick control - I'm
> told this model comes with a lifetime warranty). I look forward to
> your comments.
Andrew, I have a Kowa TSN3 with a Man Friday tripod the same as yours.
The few views I've had through any of Tasco's optics have been very
disappointing. Stick to Kowa, Nikon or Swarovski. Get a fluid head tripod
for it too. Great for following birds.
Trevor Quested