On 5 April, 1995, Kerrilee Horskins wrote:
> I am currently writing an honours thesis at Monash Uni. after
> investigating the role of the honeybee in the breeding biology of the
> yellow mallee in Wyperfeld National Park. After comparing the volume
> of available nectar throughout the day with the study of Bond and
> Brown (1979),I found that nectar levels were much higher this year
> than in 1977 when their study was conducted, although weather
> conditions were comparable.
> Whilst in the field, I did not observe any wattlebirds or honeyeaters
> visiting Eucalyptus costata whereas Bond and Brown recorded numerous
> visits.
> As the mallee is in drought, I am interested to know whether
> anyone has noted the presence of such nectar eating birds from
> the Wyperfeld/mallee region,in areas not usually visited.
Kerrilee -- There were a few general observations this year, as is usual
during a drought, of mallee honeyeaters south of their normal range in
Victoria. Those of which I'm aware include: (i) Black Honeyeaters were
seen down to the suburbs of Ballarat (reported in nature notes column of
`The Ballarat Courier'), (ii) I saw White-fronted Honeyeaters and
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters west of the Grampians in March, (iii) Pied
Honeyeaters were seen in various parts of western Victoria. I know there
were lots of other sightings of mallee honeyeaters in southern Victoria,
but I don't have any record of them myself. The Bird Observers Club
(they're in the phone book) will have received these kinds of records over
summer/autumn of 1994/95. I'm surprised to hear that there were no
honeyeater visits at all to the E. costata flowers. Even in the driest
weather, I'd expect some honeyeaters to still be there (Purple-gaped HE,
Yellow-plumed HE, etc.). The species that move out of the mallee in dry
times are typically the ones I named above in (i), (ii) & (iii), whereas
Purple-gaped HE and Yellow-plumed HE are unlikely to do so. What time of
day were you in the field usually?
Good luck with your project -- Lawrie.
| | |
| Lawrie Conole | |
| Assistant Curator | |
| Scienceworks | ph (BH): +61 (0)3 392 4832 |
| 2 Booker St. | ph (AH): +61 (0)52 29 4037 |
| Spotswood Vic 3015 | fax : +61 (0)3 399 2325 |
| | |