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Re: [ts-7000] Re: Where did I go wrong?

Subject: Re: [ts-7000] Re: Where did I go wrong?
From: wannabeanembeddedexpert wannabeanembeddedexpert <>
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 01:20:45 -0800 (PST)
I understand that I need to map memory into user space but I am not working on TSLinux. I have loaded my binary to the RAM before the ts7200 loads the kernel to the memory. So there must be no mmap issue since there is no running OS. Actually I wanted to access to hardware without any OS dependency and with no OS running on. There must be a way... And thanks for keypad.c example. I will examine it immediately. Thanks & have a good day...

Yan Seiner <> wrote:
--- In wannabeanembeddedexpert
wannabeanembeddedexpert <> wrote:
>   "7F454C46...." which is equal to ".ELF....." in ASCII.
>   ELF? Must not it be AXF or something else? The header of the image
on the ftp seems total! ly different by the way. In summary,
>   I could not find where I did wrong... Can anybody?

I think you built a program to be executed under a running linux
kernel...  Not one to be run on a bare board....

And, in any case, your code won't work under a kernel because user
space apps cannot read memory directly.

Look at keypad.c  or any of the other examples in the files section (I
think there is an led blinker of some sort)....

You have to map the memory into userspace, and then use it.  It's
pretty straightforward once you get used to it, but the first step is
pretty high and slippery... :-)

Welcome aboard.  May you never look back.


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