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[pwc] pwc / PCVC680K / kernel 2.6.16

Subject: [pwc] pwc / PCVC680K / kernel 2.6.16
From: David de Beer <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 15:24:35 +0200
my SuSE 9.2 got bugged somehow and got extremely slow (e.g.15mins for a 
reboot), 9.3 wouldn't even install, 10.0 did but got extremely unstable. 
So I started with SuSE 10.1 from scratch, with the kernel 
that includes pwc.
So far I only used the modules, and those proved fine.
The now integrated pwc works perfectly in recognising the cam. 
But, the image is a solid medium gray.
This is in all clients (motv, xawtv, gnomemeeting, camstream) I so far have 
Camstream as a client accesses the philips extensions, but no matter what 
setting tried, the image remained as gray as it was.

the files in /usr/src/linux- all mention a 
copyright of 2004. A version number was included in none of them, and I do 
not know how to extract it from hex or the binary either.

A couple of weeks' listmailings got lost for me, there seems no patch yet for 
the 2.6.16 kernel .

Is this a common problem, that might find a solution?

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