Oh and the OHCI driver (another USB1.1 controller driver) also works fine
as far as I can tell but again it doesn't let you go to USB2.0 (ie. what I
wrote below should still be true if you replace UHCI with OHCI).
- Raymond
At 09:56 AM 22/05/2006 +1000, Raymond wrote:
I can't remember exactly but that sounds a lot like the errors I was
getting when I plug my QuickCam Pro 4000 into a USB port that's running
the Linux EHCI driver (ie. USB2.0). For some reason, the PWC driver
doesn't seem to like being on a port that's under control of the EHCI driver.
In my testing here's what I've found.
QuickCam Pro 4000 straight into any USB port that's connected to its own
controller - fine, if the port is USB2.0 it drops to 1.1 and uses the UHCI
driver. Ie.
computer -> camera
QuickCam Pro 4000 into anything that's connected to its own controller
through a USB1.1 hub - fine, plugging the USB1.1 hub into the controller
puts it in UHCI mode already. Eg.
computer -> usb1.1 hub -> (zero or more USB1.1 or USB2.0 hubs) -> camera
QuickCam Pro 4000 into anything that's connected to its own controller
through a USB2.0 hub - doesn't work, the USB2.0 hub puts the controller
into EHCI mode and the PWC driver does funny things. Eg.
computer -> usb2.0 hub -> (zero or more USB1.1 or USB2.0 hubs) -> camera
Have you tried plugging straight into the desktop (ie. without a hub in
the way)? Note that I believe some (many?) desktop motherboards
incorporate USB hubs (eg. the 2 ports on the front of the box may actually
be 2 ports on a 2 port USB2.0 hub chip and connected to only 1 controller)
so this might not work anyway ... the other option may be to unload the
EHCI driver (so you only run on UHCI) but this disables USB2.0 altogether ...
- Raymond
At 12:19 PM 21/05/2006 +0200, you wrote:
I have a Logitech Quickcam 4000 Pro, that seems to work fine on my unbunt
laptop (Breezy), just plug in and pwc is loaded and it works fine. But on
my debian testing desktop I get the followin error msgs, when running dmesg:
pwc Failed to set video mode fps; return code = -32
So I tried exchaning the pwc module that came with the kernel 2.6.15-1-k7
with a compiled one downloaded fron the saillard site. Tried various
versions, the latest and down to the same as my ubuntu machine runs,
10.0.7. They all give me the same message (some with some additional ones).
What I do is that I chmod 777 /dev/video0 so as to avoid any permission
problems, then try out camorama and gqcam, that both produce the same
messages (in dmesg).
I tried searching on the error code but did not get any wiser. Any advice
on what to check?
Magnus L
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