Dear All,=A0
The suggestions have been very helpful, all of them.=A0
I will try cleaning with DeoxIT in case it is an issue with dirty plugs - w=
hich I had tried to alleviate with alcohol. It could is equally likely to b=
e an issue with loose leads within the plug or possibly an internal break t=
o the board. Since I'll be in the US during the next month, with availabili=
ty of products, it will give me a chance to try out a few options and see w=
hat works.=A0
On the microphone, I also had a problem with the loose screw and managed to=
fix it. Appreciate the suggestion regarding the Tascam with XLR inputs. I =
like the way they connect as well as the location of the connector on the b=
ottom of the device! Will definitely research this lead a bit further befor=
e deciding on a new recorder.=A0
Greg =A0
On Friday, May 29, 2015 1:21 AM, "Dan Dugan [naturere=
cordists]" <> wrote:
=A0 That=92s true for many mics, including some very expensive ones.
On May 28, 2015, at 9:45 AM, [naturerecordists] <nature=
> wrote:
I'm not sure if this is your problem/solution but I thought I would throw t=
his out there since there are so many people on this list who use the K6/ME=
66 combo for nature recording.
I had been recording with a K6/ME66 for several years using an Olympus LS-1=
0 then LS-11. =A0Eventually I "graduated" (?) to a Tascam DR-100 mkii recor=
der to be able to have the security of XLR connectors instead.
Over the years, I noticed my system became more and more noisy and sensitiv=
e to external interference. =A0Powerlines eventually became such a problem =
that I couldn't record around them at all. =A0I figured it was just due to =
the age of my microphone and the beating I had given it over the years (I m=
ostly record amphibians, standing kneed deep in water in the rain or in rai=
nforests, etc.).. =A0I replaced cables several times to no avail.
I was actually shopping to replace either the K6 or the ME66 if I could fig=
ured out what the problem was and somebody replied to my query on this list=
serve with a different suggestion that fixed my problems 100%. =A0They sent=
me to a YouTube (?) video somewhere that showed me the fix (don't remember=
the video unfortunately)..
There is a small phillips head screw on the underside of the K6 module (jus=
t in front of the CE letters). =A0That screw had become a little loose over=
time. =A0When I tightened that screw, my microphone went back to the origi=
nal quiet, dependable microphone it had been when new. =A0The video suggest=
ed some lock-tite or something to "seal" the screw in place but I didn't wa=
nt to put that in my module so I just tightened it down. =A0I have had seve=
ral years of quiet service from the microphone ever since and haven't had t=
o retighten (yet).
I'm not saying this will fix your particular problem, but I thought it migh=
t help someone with the K6/ME66 comibination one day. =A0It is a tip certai=
nly worth knowing.
Chris HarrisonSan Antonio, TX, USA
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