> Hello,
> I woul apreciate opinions in this experience with two mkh30 in blumlein =
and two mkh 40 in xy 90=C2=BA . Two coincident tecnics mixed.
> 141228T1030Z Troglodites And Water https://soundcloud.com/freitojos/1412=
I've had a good listen to this track which plays as mono. However, there is=
a strange fluttering effect to the background water sounds which seens too=
irregular to be a water effect. It is like a volume modulation at around 27=
Hz. It shows up on the waveform on the non-bird parts.
This frequency has a wavelength of about 12 metres so it could possibly be=
produced by a strong reflection 3 metres away or a path length difference
between mics of about 6 metres. In a stereo version it may not be noticeabl=
but the flutter on the mono mix as on Soundcloud is rather odd. The wren
sound quite close.
Mixing two different stereo rigs can produce unexpected effects unless they=
are all close to each other. Not knowing the setup, I can only report what =
The Green Woodpecker track also had this flutter, but slightly less but wit=
a higher background level.
Note that a wide separated mono Blumlein pair when mixed down to mono will=
produce strong colourations on a mono mix in the mid hundreds of Hertz in
sounds coming from the side.
David Brinicombe