> A nice feature on this recorder is the wifi so you can remote
> control the recorder from your smartphone. It has XLR too.
Can you do all the configuration stuff via WiFi, or can you only control re=
cording? Can you monitor via WiFi?
> The thing I don't understand completely is the "programmable
> gain amplifier (PGA)". Will it have really quiet pre-amps?
> Can anyone guess it just by specs? This is what they say
> about that PGA.
> "A programmable gain amplifier (PGA) is used to adjust the
> level of the audio inputs. In many devices, the audio codec
> level is adjusted to control levels. In the DR-44WL, the mic
> gain circuit is independent from the A/D converter for low
> noise performance as well as programmable gain (manual,
> automatic, or controlled over Wi-Fi.)
It sounds like by "programmable", they mean it can be manual, auto, or manu=
al via WiFi. Unless they give you some control over how auto works.
Peter Shute