Hi all,=0D
First off, let me say that I am not an ornithologist per se. I am primaril=
y interested in bird diversity as an indicator of ecosystem health and inte=
grity. I am conducting a research study of bird diversity and assemblage in=
tropical Mexico to assess ecosystem health of agroforests as compared to p=
rimary forest. I'm all set with the visual ID, but am planning on recording=
songs during my visual point counts to get a more holistic sense of the di=
versity in my study sites. =0D
Currently, I am recording during my visual sampling period using this (Son=
y PCM-M10 Portable Audio Recorder (Black) PCMM10/B B&H Photo http://www.bhp=
cOgodvBgATA&Q=3D&is=3DREG&A=3Ddetails =0D
CIal5t7unr4CFaMcOgodvBgATA&Q=3D&is=3DREG&A=3Ddetails =0D
Sony PCM-M10 Portable Audio Recorder (Black) ... http://www.bhphotovideo.c=
&Q=3D&is=3DREG&A=3Ddetails Sony PCM-M10 Portable Audio Recorder (Black) B&H=
# SOPCMM10B Mfr # PCMM10/B Temporarily out of stock =0D
View on www.bhphotovideo... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/hom=
tails =0D
Preview by Yahoo =0D
) and this microphone (http://en-us.sennheiser.com/cardioid...ecording-me-6=
4 http://en-us.sennheiser.com/cardioid-microphone-live-sound-recording-me-6=
4) with a wind guard.=0D
However, the mic only records in mono and it has been recommended that I b=
uy something that records in stereo and is water resistant to some extent. =
Any suggestions? Price really isn't an object, but if it could be less than=
or equal to the price of the Sennheiser ($500), that would be great. I sus=
pect I don't need a parabolic dish as I am not gunning for one particular b=
ird, but am trying to record the entire soundscape. Is there anything else =
that I might need? =0D
Finally, does anyone know of any software that might help with identificat=
ion of birds (Mexican spp) from the recordings? I have heard about Sonobird=
, but their website doesn't seem to be up. =0D