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3. Re: Please post this to the group

Subject: 3. Re: Please post this to the group
From: "Volker Widmann" volwid
Date: Mon Mar 3, 2014 6:04 am ((PST))
I remember Klas Strandberg mentioning that the M10 is not the appropriate r=
ecorder for EM172 capsules because it does not deliver full 5V plugin power=
 which leads to increased self noise. He suggested Olympus or Zoom recorder=



> Am 03.03.2014 um 14:41 schrieb <>:
> I'm not making any claims for the ultimate noise floor for the M10 used w=
ith the EM172 capsules...  just that is is very respectable for the price.
> If you have the dough to drop on the best professional quality equipment,=
 by all means get something quieter.
> I see the M10/EM172 combination as a surprisingly effective, relatively i=
nexpensive, and portable in a way that is useful to be out there making goo=
d recordings.
> As Dan Dugan told me a little over a year ago, all the best equipment in =
the world won't get you a great recording if you don't get out there and us=
e it.  So get out there and do it with the best you can afford!
> In my case, the combination gives me something within my budget, for hobb=
y recording, that I don't have to be ashamed of.

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