> Hi, if the lack of XLR inputs is not a problem I love the Sony M10. I
> also use the Olympus LS-100, it is very quiet but I don't love it.
> With Phantom Power it sucks the rechargeable battery in about 2 hours.
> The display is not readable in sunlight. Also, when the display is on,
> in the recordings you can see a notch filter at 26 kHz.
> I used the Zoom H2 and H2N but they are too noisy for our needs.
> Gianni
> 2014-02-10 18:16 GMT+01:00 <
> <>>:
> Hi,
> I would like to hear about what small recorders are working well
> for recording nature sounds, especially ones that can have low
> noise external mic or line inputs. There are a lot of newer ones
> out there from Tascam and Zoom that I haven't heard much about. I
> heard great things about the Sony PCM-M10 and the Olympus LS-100.
> If anyone knows of a compiled comparison list, like from Avisoft,
> that would be great!
> So, what are some models you love and some you hate?
> Thanks,
> Bruce Rutkoski
> Owner
> www.wildtronics.com <http://www.wildtronics.com> (professional
> parabolic microphones)
> www.natureguystudio.com <http://www.natureguystudio.com> (nature
> sound recordings)
> --
> Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali
> Universit=E0 degli Studi di Pavia
> Via Taramelli 24, 27100 Pavia, Italy
> http://www.unipv.it/cibra
> http://mammiferimarini.unipv.it