> http://tinyurl.com/afmsfan
To quote:
MDs attracted inevitable comparisons to Sony=92s earlier
dead-on-arrival media, the Betamax videocassette.
An old myth. Betamax didn't die - it became the Betacam which
dominated the professional single camera market for nearly a decade
until digital storage took over.
The problem with Minidisc was that it couldn't be upgraded before it
lost out to solid state storage. We may find now that chip storage
becomes the "new cassette" for many years. I'll stick my neck out on
that one as it is cheap, ubiquitous, and tiny. My chief problem with
it is losing the tiny cards and you can't write much on them.
BTW I have inside information that Moore's Law is slowing down. Chips
are not doubling in power every 18 months. They are about to hit an
atomic limit. Already each storage gate involves only a few hundred
atoms and cosmic rays are making them unreliable. Lead-line your SD's
folks. :-)
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce