> So are you saying the Rycote article is wrong? Or are you just
> saying something for the sake of it?
I was saying that I was doing windshield experimention before Rycote
started selling windshields. I did tests in the Ealing Studios with
windshields on a long boom. I made outer covers for Sennheiser and
AKG windshields in the mid 1960's. These GRP windshields were fragile
and the ones Rycote made in the 1969 out of heat treated garden
netting were robust.
Check out for yourself whether mounting a mic closer to the inside of
the windshield affects the low frequency wind noise. It does. However
the _onset_ of low frequency turbulence noise depends on the outside
shape of the windshield and that turbulence is what we want to avoid,
not just to minimise.
Check out the effect that windshield diameter has on generating wind
roar. Theory is all very well but when it comes to the crunch, theory
has to come second to practice.
Also check out Reynolds_number in Wiki for the onset of turbulence:
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce