The Nature Sounds Society had a listening experience table in Muir Woods fo=
r the Winter Solstice celebration yesterday. Roberta Blake and I manned it.=
We had four sets of headphones,
1) Live MKH 40/30 MS pair focused on a rill in Redwood Creek, into 744T.
2) Playback of a stereo recording of a May dawn chorus in Cathedral Grove (=
old growth redwood forest).
3) Playback of a stereo recording of a May dawn chorus on the Dipsea Trail =
near Redwood Creek (riparian mixed forest).
4) Live Telinga EM-23s shoulder-mounted on a vest with home-made furry wind=
Though it was raining much of the day, Muir Woods' constituents are a hardy=
bunch and traffic at our table was good. The Park Service provided a pavil=
ion to keep us mostly dry. We enjoyed turning people on to nature sounds. I=
t got a little tiring hearing people say how relaxing they thought the cree=
k sounds were.
About an hour into the noon-to-five gig we heard a great crash. I hit the r=
ecord button on the 744T and caught it, thanks to the ten-second pre-record=
buffer. The mics were right on a rill in the creek, so the subtleties were=
masked. Here is a recording processed to try to bring out the event:
And here are some pictures: