It's good to know that there's hope for us all. But who are these "secret h=
olders" witholding secrets from? From potential competitors, or are they ge=
nerating an aura of mystery about their work in order to make it seem more =
valuable to the public?
There are often complaints here that we live in a visual world where sound =
is undervalued. Perhaps these people are actually helping to combat this. J=
ust an idea, perhaps they are just fools, I wouldn't know. Perhaps they're =
actually making sound less accessible to the public.
And about the idea that the information is out there to be had, this might =
be true now that a Google search will usually get you started, but not so l=
ong ago it wasn't so easy. If one couldn't find someone who knew the answer=
s, one could only visit the public library to find books on the subject, us=
ually way out of date, or buy them. I'm not surprised an industry sprang up=
from that.
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Scott Fraser
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 December 2012 3:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: was: What is a good nature
> sound recording?
> There is a whole industry (magazines, tutorial videos, books,
> self-styled 'universities', etc,) devoted to the notion that
> there is a great body of secret knowledge & wisdom, known by
> a few high priests in the audio recording & amplification
> world. The one truly great secret is that there are no
> secrets; nobody holds or guards knowledge which is not freely
> available to everybody. What there is is mastery of craft. A
> beginner has not mastered the craft. Someone who has done
> extensive recording and/or mixing over a period of years,
> especially if for clients who demand high standards, has
> attained a certain degree of mastery, although he may know &
> understand things differently than someone else with a
> similar amount of experience. There are some people who
> believe they hold secrets which they alone understand, &
> which they guard from sharing with others. In the industry,
> these people are understood to be fools. The secret is that
> the recording you make today will probably be better than the
> one you made last year, because you have one year more
> experience doing it now than you did then.