Green Tree Frogs near my house will start croaking when I start the
washing machine. The rhythm of the agitator is very similar to the
frogs' calling rhythm, and the pitch is similar. I've also noticed
that frogs will call in response to a low flying aircraft.
A novel way used by scientists to locate the rare Corroboree Frog (in
its boggy habitat in the high country) is simply to shout very loudly
(male voice), 'Hey! Frog!' Then however many frogs were there, would
croak! Easy when you know how :-)
Vicki Powys
On 26/06/2012, at 3:07 AM, wrote:
> As promised in a my previous mail, I uploaded a file on Soundcloud
> a true song duet between a Blackbird, Turdus merula, and a Green
> frog, Rana esculenta.
> The recording was obtained using two AT3032 in a stereo rig and a
> Sony D50.
> I uploaded only a short part of the recording, but the thing is
> repeated for tens of minutes.
> I suspect that the frog reacts to the song of the blackbird how it
> would reacts to any sound of loud intensity, because it happened to
> me to hear frogs singing as soon as it happens a loud noise such as
> a passing train or a plane not far.
> Is there some expert in amphibians, who may provide an explanation
> for this phenomenon?
> Marco Pesente
> Italy