> Yes, the weighting issue does apply, and in that regard (not that I
> know how to measure it)
I've written the equalization curves on Audacity 1.3. I've also got
various bass cut curves I use before noise reduction and a curve for
de-hissing quiet recordings. I'm hoping to do a guide to this on my
Srowford.org page, but the additional EQ curves are on:
> The SD limiters I find are much more well behaved and 'invisible'
> but unfortunately the USBPre doesn't yet do limiter linking.
With digital it's best to avoid limiters by recording low. I use the
BBC recording spec of peaking to -8dB. As I wrote recently explosions,
gunshots and thunder sound best with clipping distortion, but that is
easy to do later under control.
> BTW and out of interest what recorder are you running with your
> MKHs?
As a pensioner, I use a Tascam DR-100 but am getting excellent results
with an SQN 4 mixer. SQN mixers are our industry standard mobile
mixers in the UK. I'm saving up for a multi-track to use with a 4-way
Brinibox rig which should give me a symmetrical 360 objective coverage
with any 180 image selectable. I don't think anyone takes my Brinibox
seriously as it uses =A310 mics. :-)
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce