Yes. Thank you. I had many interesting e-mail discussions with Walter and
I am glad to know he is still active. I miss his savant comments.
John V. Moore Nature Recordings
In a message dated 7/22/2011 11:01:49 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
Thanks Bernie (and Volker) - good to know as I HAD wondered, Walter was an
important particpant when I first joined the group.
_http://www.wildechoes.org_ (
--- In
, Bernie Krause <> wrote:
> For those on the list who have wondered what ever happened to Walter
> Knapp, the great amphibian recordist and naturalist, check his latest
> site: _m("N04/_","//");">http:
> Volker Widmann recently wrote to him asking if he was OK. He is. He's
> just switched to a new lens in order to confirm life in this world.
> Thanks, Volker, for following up.
> Bernie
> Wild Sanctuary
> POB 536
> Glen Ellen, CA 95442
> 707-996-6677
> _http://www.wildsanctuary.com_ (
> Google Earth zooms: _http://earth.wildsanctuary.com_
> SKYPE: biophony
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]