Dear all,
Can anyone help me id this sound ? It was recorded about 3 weeks ago near an
old gravel pit bordering a woodland in western Switzerland at 500m asl about
11.00 on a clear sunny morning.
The sound seemed to be coming from an elevated grassy bank immediately next to
the wood, and at the time I thought it was a small mammal in the grass, but I
realise now that it may have been in the edge of the trees. There is not much
reference material on it but my thoughts are that it may have been a call of
the European Little Owl (Athene noctua). I heard it calling intermittently like
this over the space of 30 mins or so, the sound carried a good 500+ meters
which is when I first heard it and started to track it down:
No filtering or EQ applied this is straight out the can.
This is not the normal A.noctua "song" but seems to correspond quite closely
with the excitement call on this page:
It would be rare but not impossible in that particular location, but I have not
encountered this sound before.
All help gratefully received !