Dear Fellow Recordists,
I haven't posted in a long time. My recordings are somewhat different becau=
se I record cognitive speech by a macaw. While I have been doing this for a=
long time, only in the last years have I achieved any traction. Previous t=
alks have not been posted here, but thought the group might be interested i=
n the one below, which is based on sound recordings.
The following event will take place in Ithaca, New York:
The 3rd Symposium on Acoustic Communication by Animals will be held at Corn=
ell University=E2=80=99s Statler Hotel and Conference Center between 1-5 Au=
gust 2011. At 4:10 PM on Wednesday, 3 August, I will present my PowerPoint =
talk, "Griffin Was Right: Language Reveals an Animal=E2=80=99s Thoughts." T=
he talk describes an innovative technique, passive speech research, which p=
ermits glimpses into the mind of another creature. By listening to untutore=
d statements by a macaw, a talking bird, conference attendees will hear sta=
tements made by a non-human animal learning language. The bird is not only =
able to reproduce multi-syllable words, but she also creates statements abo=
ut her thoughts.