Good day all!
I am quite new in here and am very proud to have joined you.
To introduce me here I can just say I am a Computer Engineer and Sound Tech=
nician based in Barcelona, and of course also a lover of sound, and someone=
whose life has changed somehow since I discovered the unbelievable effects=
of simply performing...
the exercise of listening.
I've been travelling in Asia last year and as an amateur I picked all the s=
ounds I found interesting there... I am developing a collaborative sound da=
tabase online under a creative commons license, with a sound map, though it=
has still just a few sounds uploaded ... it's hard to catalog, geo-locate =
and give description to all of them ... :P
I calculate about 600 takes to be uploaded.
Please feel free to upload there any sound and it'll be published instantly=
and shown in the world map.
Visit the project in
World map:
I hope you find interesting the project and I hope I see it grow soon!
Dani Satu=E9