> The original recording being used suffers a little as the Oade mod on the=
HDP2 exposes some very low level, non-steady state, system noise which ca=
n't be removed by this process. Fortunately it is only really apparent in v=
ery quiet recordings played back at high gain.
Hi Paul,
Are you sure that this non-steady state system noise is something that is a=
lready present in the microphone output signal or the HDP2, which is just e=
xposed by the Oade mod?
I could imagine that it might also have been introduced by the modififactio=
n itself! For instance, FET opamps (that are obviously used by Oade) exhibi=
t a significantly higher flicker or 1/f noise than the stock bipolar opamps=
I'm generally very sceptical regarding these modifications. Certainly the e=
soteric descriptions and the lack of specifications on the Oade website are=
not very trustworthy to me.
For instance, the description of the HDP2 mods (http://www.oade.com/digital=
_recorders/hard_disc_recorders/tascam_hd-p2_upgrade.html) mentions that the=
THD will be significantly reduced. However, I belive that the THD of the s=
tock preamps is already much lower than the THD of any microphone and of co=
urse the THD of the speakers or headphones that are being used to listen to=
the recordings. So, guess that this "improvement" is pretty useless becaus=
e it would be inaudible.