[Four 4060s aligned in a tetrahedral pattern will provide the basis for
ambisonic surround ~Bernie]
My greatest respect goes out to one of (in not the) finest nature recordist=
ever. Please allow me to contest you on this one, Bernie.
>From my understanding of ambisonics in studying Michael Gerzon=E2=80=99s
http://www.audiosignal.co.uk/Gerzon%20archive.html work though the years is=
the four capsules in the tetrahedral array are not only aligned symmetrical=
but electronically as well. This electronic calibration gives the four
diaphragms four distinct pickup patterns:
1). Top/Bottom figure-8
2). Left/Right figure-8
3). Front/Rear figure-8
4). Omni for pressure
The 4060 is an omni mic, and without the proper electronics, four omni=E2=
=80=99s that
close to one another will create and image rife with time-alignment issues,=
phantom reflections, and an overall muddiness that is not akin to the
point-source algorithm Michael so beautifully describes. I own eight 4060=
and would gladly reconfigure four of them for ambisonic use, if only I coul=
figure out how to do so.