Date: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:34 pm ((PDT))
In the parlance of sound recording geeks, CD quality or DVD quality, refers=
to the sampling frequency and bit rate and nothing more. Any comments on t=
he audio and or aesthetic qualities of a recording would not be referenced =
in this manner.
Wil Hershberger
Nature Images and Sounds, LLC
Hedgesville, WV
The Songs of Insects
My Blog
On Aug 11, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:
> On 11 =CE=91=CF=85=CE=B3 2010, at 11:52 =CE=BC.=CE=BC., Heather Perkins w=
> > "CD Quality" usually means the format that is the audio CD standard.
> >
> > So, "CD Quality" means 44.1KHz 16 bit stereo audio files, as
> > uncompressed .aif or WAV format
> Yes but that doesn' t tell a thing about actual quality.. cds range from =
the ones with really awful sound to the breathtaking ones - there is a whol=
e bunch of awful recordings/productions that are indeed 44.1 / 16 bit..
> the fact is that you can record with the most crappy noisy microphone you=
can find in 44/16 and still this is 'cd quality'
> 44/16 doesn' t mean absolutely anything quality-wise to me - they' re jus=
t numbers. What matters is the quality of the converters and of the overall=
circuity. This is what makes the difference. A variety of cheap crapy reco=
rders or sound-cards record at 96/24 these days - but their converters are =
crap as their pre-amps and that' s why they will sound worse than an old na=
gra that only records 44/16
> m