Thanks, Mark.
What is your recording named on the map?
In case anyone is interested in listening and/or uploading sounds to the
"audio snapshot" of World Listening Day, Udo Noll has made the dedicated
WLD project page at http://aporee.org/maps/projects/worldlisteningday
Instructions on using the aproee maps provided here
Happy World Listening Day!
Mark Brennan wrote:
> Here is one of my efforts for world listening day, recorded next
> to the barn
> here at home during a thunder storm that afternoon using the Telinga
> Clip ons
> and the Zoom H4N Recorder (4 minutes). One of our roosters was trying
> to compete
> with the thunder claps! Gain on the H4N was way down around 12 for this.
> mark
> ________________________________
> From: Eric < <eric%40ericleonardson.org>>
> To:
> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 12:38:31 AM
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] radio aporee ::: World Listening Day
> Dear Friends,
> I'd like to invite you to participate in a special project of radio
> aporee and the World Listening Project for the first World Listening
> Day, on Sunday, July 18, 2010.
> Radio aporee is an open project about the creation and exploration of
> public space. Its creator, Udo Noll asks you for help in creating an
> "audio snapshot of the world" as heard and recorded on World Listening
> Day. Aporee maps uses the Google maps interface to allow anyone to
> easily find their location on the map, then upload their audio via the
> web or mobile phone.
> We're inviting you to send an audio recording from your actual location,
> or other places of your interest on this day to the maps:
> http://aporee.org/maps/ <http://aporee.org/maps/> .
> With your contributions collected on World Listening Day, Udo will then
> create a dedicated project page on the aporee map. As Udo says,
> "...besides having a nice documentation, I'm really intrigued by the
> idea of listening to the sounds of a particular day, around the
> world..." I'm very curious about what will happen, too.
> Specifications for uploading
> WEBSITE: http://aporee.org/maps/
> FORMAT: mp3, 128-320 kbit, 44.1 or 48 kHz (for best audio quality, we
> recommend bitrates of 224, 256 or 320 kbps)
> FILE SIZE: max. 25 MB
> PLEASE NOTE: Contributors should type a tag "WLD" or "world listening
> day" in the keywords field, so that it can be found by searches.
> Please be patient while uploading, depending on your connection this may
> take a while.
> Below are basic instructions on how to send sounds (upload) to the radio
> aporee soundmap at http://aporee.org/maps/
> 1. You don't need a login in order to participate, just a valid email
> address.
> 2. Find the location of your audio on the map and click on it
> 3. A small pops open that says "new place, add recording" with three
> choices: upload sound, fetch sound from URL, and phone call.
> 4. Select whichever method you're using to upload, navigate to the
> file if it's on your computer, fill in the form fields for info and
> email address, then click "ok"
> 5. Once your audio file has uploaded to the aporee server, check your
> email for a message from radio aporee
> 6. In the message you are provided with a link to confirm and edit
> the info about your audio submission, please remember to TAG YOUR
> SUBMISSION: "world listening day" and/or "WLD"
> 7. Once that's done your sound will appear on http://aporee.org/maps/
> <http://aporee.org/maps/> .
> Questions? Contact: <radio%40aporee.org>
> --
> The purposes of World Listening Day are:
> * To celebrate the practice of listening as it relates to the world
> around environmental awareness, acoustic ecology, and us
> * To raise awareness about issues related to the World Soundscape
> Project, World Listening Project, World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, and
> individual and group efforts to creatively explore phonography
> * To design and implement educational initiatives which explore these
> concepts and practices
> ---
> You'll find the press release and further information on world Listening
> Day at http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/?p=3D667
> <http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/?p=3D667>
> ---
> All the best,
> Eric Leonardson
Eric Leonardson
E-mail: <>
Homepage: ericleonardson.org/whatsnew/ <http://ericleonardson.org/whatsnew/=
Plasticene: plasticene.blogspot.com/ <http://plasticene.blogspot.com/>
Auris: www.myspace.com/auristrio <http://www.myspace.com/auristrio>
World Listening Project: www.worldlisteningproject.org
Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology: mwsae.org <http://mwsae.org/>
Chicago Phonography: www.chicagophonography.org